This collector's series model turned out quite well. The gunner had two warpgoggle eyepieces, and the shield slave has a
homemade shield with two riveted armor plates on it that are quite eye-pleasing. Unlike jezzail #9,
this one gets the part of the warp lightning cannon sight with the actual sight, so is interesting to look at. The chariot
spike bayonet is also a winner, and with the hose coming out of it, looks like some kind of power tool. My only minor
regret is that I left too much stem on the gubbins serving as the tank. After seeing jezzail #8,
I wish I had moved the globe right up under the gun barrel.
Parts list:
Collector's Skaven warpfire thrower gunner 1, GW Part Code: 9947020607705, no price available on website
Skaven jezzail loader 1, GW Part Code: 9947020606403, $4.25
Micro Art Studios Mystic Bases, 25x25mm, SKU: BB07S02A, €4.88 for 5 bases
The armor plates on the plasticard shield are from the out-of-print Ork Battlewagon
Shokk Attack Spinning Gubbins, GW Part Code: 9947010300901, $5.00 (tank)
Chaos Warrior Chariot Wheel Scythe, GW Part Code: 9947020107311, $1.00
Skaven warp lightning cannon sight, GW Part Code: 9947020605401, $3.00 (gun barrel)
Guitar wire, plastic rods, strips and sheets
Green stuff (modeling putty), GW Part Code: 99219999005, $8.00
Sculpting tools