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This was a good conversion in almost every respect, but just doesn't live up to its full potential. I added something cool, not sure what to call it, to the gun barrel which I made by carving up some bits off the chaos vehicle accessory sprue. In some views, you'll see I added two posts with a wire between them. This wire is unravelled off a metal guitar string and wrapped around posts of plastic rod. It looks great, and is modelled off the drawings in the Skaven army book (just look at the weapon on the cover), but if I had put it anyplace but the bottom you would actually be able to see it. It was also difficult, so I didn't do this on any other conversions yet.

The warpstone condensor tank on this one is also perfect. I used the gubbins on a number of conversions, but this is my favorite, and my favorite tank on any conversion so far. It fits snug under the barrel and is round like a death globe. I didn't need any guitar wire hoses to make this look good.

I like the shield made from the Defiler front pincer armor better than the one in jezzail #3, which was made from the Defiler rear leg plate covers. The angled sides are big enough to accept Skaven emblems, so I don't have the feeling that the shield is too big or needs battle damage. It also conveniently is shorter in the middle, allowing our shield bearer to poke his head out.

Finally, the pose of this model is exactly what I had envisioned when I started, with the gunner elevated slightly above the shield bearer to get a better line-of-sight to the target. Choosing which gunner to accompany which loader on which combination of bases was very difficult, and most others did not end up looking as good in my opinion. The legs of both models usually required repositioning, and the bases themselves needed some work to accomodate them. The models often ended up uneven or not level, requiring sculpting. The shields generally went on last to attempt to fit to the models and bases.

Parts list:

  • Skaven jezzail gunner 1, GW Part Code: 9947020606401, $6.50
  • Skaven jezzail loader 1, GW Part Code: 9947020606403, $4.25
  • Micro Art Studios Mystic Bases, 25x25mm, SKU: BB07S02A, €4.88 for 5 bases
  • Chaos Defiler Front Pincer Claws Set of Two Bits, bwbits SKU: B43-2220, $6.99 (shield)
  • Shokk Attack Spinning Gubbins, GW Part Code: 9947010300901, $5.00 (tank)
  • Chaos Vehicle Accessory Sprue, GW Part Code: 99390102004, $5.00 (gun barrel casing)
  • Ork wartrukk sprue, GW Part Code: 50-09, $20.00 (available with box set only, just need the handles)
  • Skaven shield sprue, GW Part Code: 99360299006, $1.50
  • Guitar wire, plastic rods, strips and sheets
  • Green stuff (modeling putty), GW Part Code: 99219999005, $8.00
  • Sculpting tools