April 22, 2008: Added pictures of painted jezzails, painted augmented rat ogres, a painted armored rat ogre, and a painted plague priest.
I also added one new armored rat ogre conversion, three new augmented rat ogres, two scratch built lightning cannons, two packmasters in a Skryre
theme, and a regular old rat ogre which can double as the crew of one of the lightning cannons.
August 1, 2007: Added the Skryre jezzails section and photos. There may be a few bits that need identifying yet in
those conversions, but I'm pleased to present such a large number of figures at once.
May 23, 2007: Added "white balance" to the photography section. Added content and pictures to the workshop section.
I would still like to go into more detail about the specific tools I use, and maybe how I use them, but maybe that will come as I fill in content in
the other sections.
May 22, 2007: Added another layer of hierarchy to the layout, so that individual figures have their own html pages.
Took all new pictures of every figure, with my latest photography improvements, and broke the pictures up instead of combining them into a single photo.
Rewrote the descriptions for all the figures and expanded the notes. Added new figures to the armored, augmented, mutant, and giant rat ogres sections.
Began to write content for the tips sections, including a very lengthy photography section. Added a header to the pages for the title.
May 11, 2007: Redesigned the new site layout. Not much content yet, just a few pics of the rat ogres. I'm waiting for the
lighting equipment I ordered to arrive to take more pics. As I write more detail about the conversions, I may go one step further in the html layout
hierarchy, and give individual figures their own pages with step-by-step detailed comments on their assembly with more progress pictures. This prompts me
to take more pictures, update the site more often, and encourages viewers to return to the site more frequently. Also, I need to break the pictures up
into multiple smaller pictures to allow for faster downloading and better text-wrapping. I'll do that when I have more pics to add to the site.