Published on the GW website in the Warpstone Scenario and then under title "Mad Inventions!" the rules for the Stunty Shredder were,
well, shredded from the US GW website during its 2008 redesign, but you can get them here.
"Skaven Engineer Volstik-Ik was deeply impressed by the whirling blades of the Dwarf Gyrocopters he had seen over many a battlefield.
He made it a point to capture one and study its workings. With the aid of a custom-made Jezzail designed for just such a purpose,
he achieved this goal. Months later, the results of his mad efforts produced not a flying machine as his Warlord had expected, but a bladed menace on the ground.
"Nicknamed 'Stunty Shredder' for obvious reasons, the design concept was pretty basic. Volstik-Ik would whip a slaved Rat Ogre to push the
creation towards the nearest enemy unit. Once there, the blades did most of the work. Unless, of course, the enemy is well-armoured,
in which case blades bend, motors overheat, and the Rat Ogre is often killed in the resulting breakdown. The same is true for lightly armoured enemies,
though for a different reason. The abundance of butchered body parts tends to jam and clog delicate gears. So, a balance must be struck when selecting
units to attack with the Stunty Shredder. Though more often than not, Volstik-Ik simply goes after what's closest while screeching joyfully the entire time."
I didn't create this little beastie, but acquired him on ebay. Simple concept, heavy on plasticard. House rules required for gaming, of course, and being
Skaven unlikely to tip the balance in your favor before blowing up on you, even if your opponent lets you field the thing. Regardless, this is a testament to the
ingenuity of Skryre warlock engineers everywhere.