This is another conversion to represent the quadrupedal mutation, based off the dragon ogre lower torso. There was a big size discrepancy between the
fat dragon ogre and the skinny rat ogre at the waist which required significant green stuff to fill out. I sculpted some belly musculature, but because
there is a belt and nothing below it on the dragon ogre, it was difficult for me to figure out how exactly those muscles should look. I guess we'll find
out how I did once it's painted. I plan on leaving the claws but replacing the tail with something rat-like and not spiky. The left shoulder still needs
work, I just used green stuff to pose the arm.
Parts list:
Dragon ogre body 1, GW Part Code: 9947020100501, $8.00
Dragon ogre body 2, GW Part Code: 9947020100510, $8.00
Rat ogre body 2, GW Part Code: 9947020606302, $8.00
Rat ogre arm 1, GW Part Code: 9947020606307, $3.00
tail TBD
head TBD
Green stuff (modeling putty), GW Part Code: 99219999005, $8.00
Sculpting tools for gap filling
Pit fighting mutations: These are some possible mutations to use during rat ogre pitfighting, from the GW website.
Extra legs (x2): 40 gold each
Razor sharp claws (x2): 25 gold each
Bludgeon tail: 40 gold
Spines: 20 gold