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This beautiful sculpting job is by the world famous Pega. The detail is just exquisite on all of Pega's figures, and this is no exception. And instead of covering all the armor as some conversions do, it is integrated into the shoulder pads and such so that he is still recognizable as a Marine, not a Daemon. Has a banner for you painters who like freehand.

Artist name: Riccardo Pegazzano
Website: Pega Minidesign
Ebay: pega_minidesign
CMON: pega

This beautiful sculpting job is by the rising Polish talent Grytz. Grytz is regularly turning out 40k conversions that are absolutely solid and highly detailed. I like his approach, which uses simple patterns adorning regular armor rather than completely covering the armor with another texture like slime or wolf pelts. His minis therefore look very traditional, in keeping with the ideology of the appropriate chapter, while being very unique. This particular figure is a must-have, because I have never seen one with so many cool spikes. He has a toothy maw on each shoulder and each knee!

Artist name: Daniel Gryckiewicz
Website: Grytz Minis
Ebay: grytz73

Another beautiful sculpting job by the world famous Pega. The metal model used as the base is completely covered by sculpted green stuff, and the level of detail on this figure is remarkable. The face mask, tentacle fingers, armor pieces, cape, and custom weapon that combines a bolter and a scythe makes this Lord in Terminator armor a sight to behold and deadly on the battlefield.

Artist name: Riccardo Pegazzano
Website: Pega Minidesign
Ebay: pega_minidesign
CMON: pega