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These magnificent Dreadnoughts are the stunning centerpiece of the army and the pride and joy of the collection. On this model by Edward Fortae, he really brings it home with a killer sculpted face, tentacles out of the eyes, multiple rows of teeth in the mouth orifice, tentacles out of the mouth, a modified plasma cannon that looks like a bunghole, cloven feet to match the Terminators, and did I mention tentacles?

Artist name: Edward Fortae
Website: Hivetrygon
Ebay: hivetrygon
CMON: hivetrygon

How about the mouth on this guy? Edward Fortae brings another beautiful Dreadnought to life with two mouths and more tentacles than you can shake a... well, a tentacle at. I also like how he leaves the basic form of the Dreadnought model's legs alone so that it is clearly recognizable as a Dreadnought and not a Daemon.

Artist name: Edward Fortae
Website: Hivetrygon
Ebay: hivetrygon
CMON: hivetrygon

Greydeath is an expert at converting super heavy vehicles for 40k, sometimes kitbashing together 4 to 10 tank kits in one massive model. This figure is on the size order of a Dreadnought, and although it looks more Khorne-like (actually uses Balrog parts), I have included it in the Death Guard army. As you can see, it is equipped with some weaponry, but more like a Predator or Land Raider than the traditional Dreadnought. If your opponent is a WYSIWYG stickler you may have trouble fielding this one, but it is by far the coolest and most Daemonic-looking vehicle conversion I have ever seen.

Artist name: Christoper Cote
Website: None
Ebay: greydeath1
CMON: Greydeath