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M3, WS4, BS3, S3, T4, W1, I2, A1, Ld9
Core unit
Unit size 10+
9 points per model
Replace shield with blunderbuss for +3 points per model
Equipment: Hand weapon, heavy armor, blunderbuss
Special rules:
- Chaos Dwarfs only flee or pursue 2D6-1" instead of the normal 2D6"
- Chaos Dwarfs and Bull Centaurs ignore panic tests for breaking and fleeing Orc and Goblin units of all types.
- All troops ignore panic tests for breaking and fleeing Hobgoblin units except other Hobgoblins.
- Blunderbusses. A unit with blunderbusses may move and fire in the same turn. When they shoot they project a "fire zone" the width of the unit and 12"
straight forward. Any model within this is a potential target and is hit on a 4+. The only exceptions are models behind extremely substantial cover
such as a hill or a building. Models behind walls or in woods are hit as normal. Hits are resolved at S3 if firing in 1 rank, S4 if in 2 ranks,
and S5 if in 3 or more ranks. Ranks must be complete to count.
- Any unit of foot troops or Hobgoblin Wolfboyz in the army may upgrade a model to a Champion, musician or standard bearer for +10 points each. A Champion will have +1A.
- May carry a magic banner worth up to 50 points.
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